#17, The Star - Ciro Marchetti's concept that represents the magical individualism of our New Moon in Aquarius from "Legacy of the Divine Tarot"© |
The lunar influences are much stronger when the Moon is at perigee. Tides react, but so does the human body because, as adults, we are composed of between fifty-five and sixty-five percent water. You’ll definitely feel the pull from this New Moon. Just be careful if it tells you to swim up stream to spawn. Cut yourself a little extra slack on the 28th and 29th. This is time for the Dark of the Moon and if we have a Super New Moon, it only stands to reason that we can experience a Super Dark of the Moon that leaves us feeling unsettled, or carrying some free floating anxiety. These feelings are a normal part of the New Moon reboot process. Honor them with your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry’s® ice cream and a movie night.
Do you feel as if the month of January has already been three month’s long?
That’s Cardinal Grand Cross energy for you. Are you tired yet? If so, you’re not alone. If not, just wait until our New Moon in Aquarius gets under way. New moons set a new emotional tempo for the coming lunar cycle. They are also a time to take stock and change it up if anything needs changing up. New Moon in Aquarius celebrates the individual in all of us and January’s second New Moon joins with this month’s cardinal energy to tell us that as individuals, we get to make a few of our own rules along the way. Think James T. Kirk, reprograming the computer for the Kobayashi Maru.
The 30th is a great time to work on ending your dependency
on other people’s good opinion of you, their advice, or their control over you. This New Moon is about detaching from people and situations that trap us. Aquarius demands extra freedom and a respite from strong emotion during this New Moon, so be respectful of boundaries, yours and other people’s. Our rewards for successfully harnessing the super energy of the 30th will be new-found idealism, enhanced intuition and creativity. On the darker side, if you ignore Aquarius’ positive message, you’re apt to become dogmatic in your thinking, touchy and more blunt than normal, particularly if you have Moon in Aquarius in your birth chart.
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The High Priestess, tarot card for the Moon seen here in Rome Choi's delightful "Dreaming Way Tarot"© |
This New Moon is an excellent time is reset your goals and make adjustments to them. Remember that Venus goes direct on the 31st and Mercury turns retrograde February 6th. Have a great New Moon!
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