Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Equinox - March 20th 2015

Primroses are harbingers of spring.
From "The Druid Plant Oracle"© by
Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm,
illustrated by Will Worthington
On March 20th our planet meets our Sun at an equal distance on the celestial equator at 22:45 UTC, or 3:45 p.m. PDT.  We will have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.  Equinox means ‘equal night.’  In the Northern Hemisphere we welcome the return of Spring. There’s lots of folklore attached to the Spring, or Vernal Equinox.  It is said that you can stand an egg, or a broom on end during this time because we are not tilted on our axis.  I say try standing Hersey’s Kisses® on the pointy end.  Then you’ve really got something.

Spring is rife with symbols of fertility for different cultures:
I spy the Green Man. "Meadowsweet"
"The Druid Plant Oracle"© by
Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
illustrated by Will Worthington
Brightly colored eggs, rabbits, frogs, hazelnuts, lotus flowers and pomegranates.  Live renews itself in the Spring.  We have a chance for a redo, whether it’s of the home and garden variety, or something more personal. It's a naturally abundant time.  Use equinox energy to express gratitude for everything you have and to fulfill your desires to make more with the life given to you. 
We also have the added benefit of a New Moon on the 20th.  New Moon in Pisces is a dreamer's moon filled with intuition and imagination. Set your intention for what you wish to create in your life so you can get moving after the clean sweep of Spring Equinox. Also note that this year we receive a double bonus. Our New Moon in Pisces is a Supermoon and comes with the total planetary reboot from a total solar eclipse. 

Create your own way to celebrate the rebirth that cames with
Peach Selenite - this mineral gives off high
vibrational white light and disburses
negative energy. Talk about spring cleaning!
Spring, whether it means bringing daffodils into the house, attending church or simply hanging swags of green and yellow fabric around your home.  Search the internet if you can’t come up with anything yourself.  The point is to make a personal connection with your planet’s cycle and to sync your rhythm with hers.  And remember: There’s always balancing chocolates.


Suggested Crystals :  Selenite, Moonstone, Sunstone
Amethyst, Carnelian, Fluorite (green and purple)

Suggested Tarot Cards:  The Empress, Ace of Wands, 8 of Wands, Aces of Cups, Ace of Pentacle and 7 of Pentacles

Featured decks are available for sale through Lady Oracle Tarot!

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